It was a jubilant spring day for the music community on April 25th as the United States House of Representatives voted 415–0 in favor of the Music Modernization Act (HR 5447), a series of legislative reforms (including the CLASSICS Act) that will lead to a more fair and equitable music market for creators. Some colorful context? Of the 812 bills passed by the House during the 115th Congress, only one other was approved unanimously (the Taxpayer First Act, 414–0, if you are curious). A few notable CLASSICS happenings below.
On To The Senate…
The Music Modernization Act package has been introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and a bipartisan group of 18 Senators, illustrating the growing momentum for this important legislation. Relatedly, the Senate Judiciary Committee has announced its upcoming hearing on the bill, with the hearing titled “Protecting and Promoting Music Creation for the 21st Century,” on Tuesday, May 15th at 10 am. Witnesses include music legend Smokey Robinson, singer/songwriter Justin Roberts, songwriter Josh Kear, and RIAA’s Mitch Glazier, among others.
Artists Focus on Senate in Latest CLASSICS Ad
In a two-page spread in Capitol Hill publication Politico this week, more than 300 artists reiterated their commitment to advancing the CLASSICS Act by urging the Senate to pass the bill:
Must Read: SiriusXM’s Latest Earnings Call
SiriusXM recently held its latest quarterly earnings call where it (once again) boasted about its “record” profits, while stating “we just don’t have a point of view” on whether or not the Music Modernization Act would impact the company. A few quotes:
Copyright Alliance Takes On Bogus Term Arguments
The Copyright Alliance’s top copyright counsel Terry Hart recently posted a blog pushing back on any attempt to paint the CLASSICS Act as a copyright term extension, calling that criticism “strikingly incorrect.” The piece, appropriate titled “No, The CLASSICS Act Is Not A ‘Term Extension,’” can be read here.
Good Reads
- Deseret News Op-Ed by Rosanne Cash: CLASSICS Act will ensure all musicians are treated fairly
- The Roanoke Times Editorial: How Bob Goodlatte Just Saved the Music Industry
- The Illusion of More (Blog): What does Public Knowledge have against the CLASSICS of music?
- MusicFIRST Coalition (Blog): Let’s Make a Hit Record by Unanimously Passing CLASSICS Out of the Senate Judiciary Committee